Site Selectors
Why Site Selectors Choose FirstPark
Site selectors are attracted to FirstPark because of its central location in the beautiful state of Maine and its easy access to several transportation options, including Interstate 95, allowing for the trade and delivery of goods to Canada and New England and beyond. Located just 15 minutes from the state’s capitol of Augusta, it’s located in Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) 186 providing access to domestic and European markets with deep-water ports along Maine’s coast. The local intermodal rail service in Waterville is perfect for business trade opportunities in major cities such as Boston, New York and Quebec, Canada and beyond.
In addition to several local business resources, the number of state and local incentives continue to add to the appeal of FirstPark. Its hard-working employees have attracted major businesses like T-Mobile, L.L.Bean and MaineGeneral to FirstPark and they are proud to call Maine home.
Businesses large and small enjoy FirstPark’s location because of access to a strong skilled labor force in the region supported by three local colleges (Colby, Thomas and Kennebec Valley Community College). The attraction and growth of the region continue to soar due to the city of Waterville’s economic development and revitalization along the Kennebec River. As one of Maine’s top cities, the area has attracted a new generation of talent and business resources to the region.
The workforce development in the Kennebec Valley region is enhanced by a variety of programs in the state, including Maine Quality Centers, the Community Development Block Grant Program and the Workforce Development Grant Program (WDG) Maine Apprenticeship and other regional programs. Additionally, the labor costs in Maine are lower than other states, which allows businesses to excel while providing a high quality of life for their employees.
Whether it’s manufacturing, financial services/insurance/real estate, or any type of business in between, FirstPark is ready to welcome you to Maine hospitality. All real estate lot locations on the FirstPark campus are shovel ready and have the availability of multiple energy sources, including natural gas. All lots also are served by fiber optic high-speed internet.
Come see why FirstPark should be your first choice.
Contact Jim Dinkle at 207-859-9716 or