
With several colleges and trade schools in the mid-Maine region, there is an educated, highly skilled and dedicated workforce. Add to that the strong work ethic that the state is known for, and that makes FirstPark a great choice for your business. Workforce information is shown below.

Civilian Labor Force Estimates for Maine Counties, 2024

Not Seasonally Adjusted

Region Component JAN FEB MAR APR
KENNEBEC COUNTY Civilian Labor Force 62,750 63,060 63,020 62,940
  Employed 60,620 60,970 61,280 61,440
  Unemployed 2,140 2,100 1,740 1,500
    Unemployment Rate 3.4% 3.3% 2.8% 2.4%
SOMERSET COUNTY Civilian Labor Force 21,990 22,200 22,400 22,480
  Employed 20,820 20,960 21,450 21,650
  Unemployed 1,180 1,230 950 830
    Unemployment Rate 5.3% 5.6% 4.3% 3.7%
This data is developed by the Maine Department of Labor, Center for Workforce Research & Information in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The employed and unemployed estimates may not add to the civilian labor force total due to rounding. (

Information on Maine’s Workforce from the Center for Workforce Research and Information

Unemployment & Labor Force

Educational Attainment by Level

2022 American Community Survey

Education Attainment


Education Level Maine Population Maine % of Population National Population National % of Population
Less Than 9th Grade 17,176 1.7% 10,694,112 4.7%
9th Grade to 12th Grade 37,992 3.7% 13,130,952 5.7%
High School Diploma 310,778 30.2% 59,908,662 26.1%
Some College 182,869 17.8% 43,842,184 19.1%
Associate’s Degree 109,768 10.7% 20,222,893 8.8%
Bachelor’s Degree 229,764 22.3% 49,641,033 21.6%
Graduate Degree and Higher 141,794 13.8% 32,267,301 14.0%
 TOTAL: 1,030,141 100% 229,707,137 100%